Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions regarding the mission and structure of Kids of Grace Academy, admissions and enrollment, academics, and student and family life. For any further questions not addressed below, email academy@kidsofgrace.com.


What is the statement of faith for Kids of Grace Academy?

Please click here to read our doctrinal statement. We hold these statements to be a faithful representations of the Bible’s teaching on these matters. Parents and students must agree to support Kids of Grace Academy in teaching them to their students.

What is the mission of Kids of Grace Academy?

​Equip students with a firm understanding of God and His Creation by striving for academic excellence and biblical literacy, ensuring they graduate with a well-rounded education.

  • Develop strong moral character by teaching values rooted in faith, integrity, and responsibility.

  • Inspire a deep, lasting love for Christ and His Word, guiding students to make their faith an integral part of their lives.

  • Support Christian families by partnering in the task of embedding a biblical worldview throughout their children's education.

  • Provide a distinct alternative to traditional public and private schooling, offering a Christ-centered, hybrid educational experience that nurtures both intellectual and spiritual growth.

  • Ensure strong communication skills by giving students the tools to communicate thoughtfully and clearly, both verbally and in writing.

  • Prepare students for future opportunities—whether academic, vocational, or personal—equipping them to glorify God in all that they do.


What does "hybrid school" mean?

Being a hybrid school means that Kids of Grace Academy combines the best aspects of Christian private school and homeschool. In this Christ-centered academic community, professional teachers will provide in-class instruction three days a week, and parents will lead approximately two days of at-home instruction, following a thoughtfully designed curriculum.​

What is the benefit of the Kids of Grace Academy model? 

Our hybrid model:

  • Blends the best of the classroom and the home

  • Delivers an academically excellent education to all students

  • Preserves independence from government oversight

  • Supports parents in taking control of their child’s education

  • Promotes access and excellence for many Christian families

Where is Kids of Grace Academy located?

Kids of Grace Academy is located in Lake Oswego, Oregon

I’m nervous about partial homeschool. What supports are available?

Grace Academy is tailor made for you! We are committed to supporting families in this hybrid instructional model and will provide clear outlines and materials from our professional teachers to support parents during at-home instructional days. In addition, we have dedicated homeschool coordinators whose priority is to help bridge the gap between the classroom and the living room. We are committed to fostering a mutually beneficial community.

Grace Academy will take responsibility for supporting academic progress and keeping parents up to date on the academic ability of their child.

Grace Academy also directs students to tutors to give additional support to families during at-home instructional days along with further opportunities for educational remediation and enrichment.


What is the leadership structure of Kids of Grace Academy?

Kids of Grace Academy is run by a board of directors. Nate DeCoste is the president and principal of the school.

Admissions & Enrollment

What is the tuition?

For the 2025-2026 academic year, the tuition is set at $4,760 per student for grades K-8th and $5,300 for 9th-12th. Please note that there are a variety of scholarships and financial aid opportunities available for families including pro-rated discounts for families with multiple children enrolled. More information about tuition and other financial considerations can be found on the Apply page.

Who can enroll and when?

Applications are open to all Christian families who have children entering grades K–8 in Fall 2025.

What are the enrollment steps?

Complete enrollment details can be found on the Admissions page. To summarize, enrollment steps will include the following:

  • Come and visit our campus

  • Review admission requirements and apply

  • Parent and Student Interview and grade placement testing

  • Receive admissions determination

  • Pay tuition/enrollment fees

    Are there refunds if I change my mind?

    • ​There is a non-refundable fee for each child enrolled. See enrollment page for more details.

    • Withdraw between August 1st – August 30th 50% of total tuition is owed

    • After September 1st 100% of original tuition is owed.

Does Kids of Grace Academy accept charter families? 

As the school of record for enrolled families, Kids of Grace Academy does not permit students to be dual enrolled in a charter school. Kids of Grace Academy offers comprehensive curriculum under professional teachers that does not work concurrently with charter school curriculum requirements.

Our Homeschool Co-op would allow for a dual enrollment with a charter school.

What is the age cutoff for incoming kindergarten students?

As a rule of thumb, your child must be five years old by Labor Day of the year of admission. 


What kind of curriculum/instruction should I expect? 

Kids of Grace Academy utilizes traditional Christian curricula that best fit our hybrid model and champions the strengths and resources of both the classroom and the home. This foundational curricula is enhanced by our professional teachers to meet the academic needs of our students with clarity and depth.  

How do teachers and staff make a difference at Kids of Grace Academy?

Our professional teachers provide direct instruction during on-campus days and apply their experience, training, and care to support students in their academic and character development. Distinct from a co-operative or volunteer-based program, our teachers are on the Kids of Grace staff and are committed to the success of our model and our families.

Does Kids of Grace Academy accept resumes for future teachers or staff?

Grace Academy is always interested in hearing from prospective teachers, TAs, and related support staff. Applications are available here.

Does Kids of Grace Academy offer TK? 

Grace Academy does not currently offer a transitional kindergarten (TK) program, but recommends Kids of Grace Preschool for those families interested in an educational program prior to kindergarten.

Who keeps student records and file with the state?

Records for enrolled students are maintained by Kids of Grace Academy. They include enrollment and academic progress details in a cumulative folder for each student. As the educational program of record, students may only be enrolled in Kids of Grace Academy and may not participate in dual enrollment in other programs such as charter schools.


Student & Parent Life

What behavioral and academic standards should I expect?

Grace Academy students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity and admirable personal character, described and agreed to in the student code of conduct. High expectations for godly behavior both on site and at home help to guide the whole-student development of Christian scholars at Kids of Grace Academy.

 We expect parents to be engaged in monitoring and correcting behavioral issues.

Are uniforms required at Kids Grace Academy?

Uniforms are not a requirement, but we do ask that students be respectful of both their peers and themselves and wear modest and appropriate clothing that does not distract or offend unnecessarily

Do students have an opportunity to attend chapel?

Chapel will meet once a week in the morning as an important opportunity for Kids of Grace Academy students to learn from God’s Word and worship together.

Are there extracurricular activities for my student?

Please visit our afterschool activities and programs page as well as our sports program page to learn more about extracurricular opportunities for your student.

Are there opportunities to connect with other enrolled families? 

Yes. Grace Academy encourages family communication networks, prayer and support lists, and opportunities such as carpools to facilitate meaningful relationships and support between families.

Do parents have to volunteer at the school? 

We want to keep tuition as low as possible. In order to help with this endeavor, we require that each family with one or more students complete the following volunteer service hours each year:

  • Full-time student(s) 35 hours per family

  • Tuition Assistance Recipient 45 hours per family

  • Any family not fulfilling their required hours, prior to the end of the school year, will be billed an additional $20 per hour for those not completed.

Financial Aid

Will there be tuition assistance available?

Yes, Kids of Grace Academy desires to work with all families to make our school financially accessible for your family. Scholarships, however, are limited. More information can be found on the Tuition and Financial Aid page.

How can I support Kids of Grace Academy? 

Kids of Grace Academy welcomes all families to join us in prayer and purposeful support for our biblical, academically rich, family-centered education model. Contributions to Kids of Grace Academy directly impact our ability to provide scholarships for families, enhance classroom resources and activities, and support future initiatives. Information about how to give financially to Kids of Grace Academy is available here.