Help Support the Mission of Kids of Grace

Thank You for your Generosity!

  • General Funding

    We desire to make the cost of education as affordable as possible. Your support in this area will allow us to continue to grow while keeping costs down. There are a lot of little exspenses that go into running an organization. Staffing, supplies, and business support are all needs and will be supported through donating to this fund.

  • Buildings

    We don’t receive any government funding, so paying rent and planning for future buildings come entirely from tuition and the generosity of people like you. We want to be secure buildings in local areas that can be beacons and sanctuaries in a dark word. Eventually, we want to have our own sports complex. Donating to this fund will allow us to continue to maintain the rentals and leases we currently have and save for future projects.

  • Music Department

    Music is such a tremendous gift of God’s common grace, and we want to grow and increase our music department into a program that is of the highest quality and is accessible to any budget. Donating to this fund will allow pay and hire music instructors, buy instruments and supplies, and pay for licensing and venues.